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Take it to the Cloud


Technologies | Solutions | Enterprises
Douglas Turner talks Cloud Migration Strategy and the Importance of Design and Planning

What is It
Cloud migration – the process of moving infrastructure, data and applications from IT infrastructure on-site within an organisation to the cloud.

What is the Outlook
It is predicted that 83 percent of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020, with public cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure continuing to dominate the market. With the widespread adoption of mobile devices and flexible working practices, organisations are increasingly turning to the cloud seeking greater IT agility, scalability and business continuity.

What We Say
“The benefits of cloud-based IT are multiple, but the process of actually migrating a company’s IT systems to the cloud – while simultaneously ensuring ‘business as usual’ for staff, customers and the supply chain – is not without its challenges,” Douglas Turner, senior management and cloud specialist at BroadVision Technologies, Solutions & Enterprises.

The process of migrating to the cloud is complex and at BroadVision Technologies, Solutions & Enterprises we customize solutions that take into account the technical, functional and operation needs of our clients. For us, a successful and robust migration strategy should ensure better alignment between IT and business objectives.

Designing and implementing a migration strategy is something the company is a market leader and specialist in, with proven, cost-effective paths to the cloud. “We have XXXX projects currently completed and XXXX underway,” Turner highlights.

According to Turner, BroadVision Technologies, Solutions & Enterprises takes an agile and holistic approach to this shift and focuses on three key areas.

DESIGN : Careful planning before implementation
The business case for cloud adoption is clear. Moving all your IT systems to the cloud instantly may have strong appeal, but in reality, this is unrealistic. Not everything can or should be moved, and you will also need to consider the order of migration and impact on business and staff. At BroadVision, we first consider the unique needs of your organisation, this will be critical to developing a plan that unlocks the benefits of the cloud without compromising security, daily business activities, existing legacy systems or wasting budget.

IMPLEMENT: What happens to legacy hard drives and hardware
The move to cloud inevitably results in the retirement of some hardware. From a security perspective it’s imperative to ensure any stored data is secured to avoid exposing your organisation to the risk of data breaches. In our two decades of experience, we have come to realise that many organisations underestimate hard drive related security risks or assume incorrectly that routine software management methods provide adequate protection.

SUPPORT: Streamlining ongoing IT costs
Following cloud migration, as retained IT systems age and become decommissioned, your budget will shift to an more OPEX-based budget, versus a traditional CAPEX budget. Your costs will be allocated to subscriptions, software assurance, licencing versus the purchase of physical items at a once off costs. The end result is that IT teams can free resources to spend on the internal data centre and be better prepared to support the systems that are still running in the on-site environment.
